Berkenaan adik OKU yang disisih ibunya. Ini janji Allah, Buka Quran dan hadam [6:151][17:31]. For those who just/ already inside a marriage, Pay full attention to those 2 ayah, Do not kill your children because of bankruptcy. It is we who provide you and them [6: 151] Do not kill your children because of bankruptcy. It is we how provide them and you. [17: 31] Same meaning, but in different sequence of 'you' and 'them'. "You' in the ayah is referring to parents and 'them' the children. By exchanging the sequence of the 2, it change the focus of the ayah. [6: 151] Allah swt tell the parents that experience hunger (suffering tak cukup duit etc) not to worry while in [17:31] the same advice towards parents who fear to be bankrupt because of the children. One ayah for parents who already in suffocation while the other one for those who fear to experience that. Quran is beautiful aiyt? Indeed its not a word of a man. Jangan risau, lagi-lagi buat ibu bapa m...