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Showing posts from June, 2014

Mendoakan itu lebih baik

Berkenaan adik OKU yang disisih ibunya. Ini janji Allah,  Buka Quran dan hadam [6:151][17:31].  For those who just/ already inside a marriage, Pay full attention to those 2 ayah, Do not kill your children because of bankruptcy. It is we who provide you and them [6: 151] Do not kill your children because of bankruptcy. It is we how provide them and you. [17: 31] Same meaning, but in different sequence of 'you' and 'them'. "You' in the ayah is referring to parents and 'them' the children. By exchanging the sequence of the 2, it change the focus of the ayah. [6: 151] Allah swt tell the parents that experience hunger (suffering tak cukup duit etc) not to worry while in [17:31] the same advice towards parents who fear to be bankrupt because of the children. One ayah for parents who already in suffocation while the other one for those who fear to experience that. Quran is beautiful aiyt? Indeed its not a word of a man. Jangan risau, lagi-lagi buat ibu bapa m...

I'm so happy!

I'm gonna tell you a story about rezk. So there is this person, who i acknowledge him as a teacher. Been learned remotely this past years thus i make a dua so that one day i can attend his classes face-to-face. Hamdan lillah, it happen to have a seminar from him here. Apparently, i don't have enough money for the fee. Kinda disappointed though. And then Allah give a present, a chances to be a volunteer for the event perhaps i could curi-curi belajar then. But, i wanna more, to seat in between the student of knowledge to be fully committed and focus during the teaching. I keep my niat in my prayers. And then, bi iznillah there's a scholarship for that. I got half the price. Thumma alhamdulillah. And thanks also to brother Kashmiri. To learn from Ustaz Nouman Ali Khan. Wallahi, kelas tadi sangat-sangat padat dan santai. Ustaz berkongsi keunikan alQuranul karim, ilmu-ilmu untuk memahami Quran itu sendiri dari kedua sudut micro dan macro. Ada rezeki insyaAllah  akan di...

Faithful thought

To have my faithful thought, To treat everyone that Allah swt  permit to come across our life, Regardless their gender, Regardless their believes, To look at them as they're, To treat at them with hikmah and adab, No feeling attached, No hope attached, No hatred too, Like we all used to do at the age of 5, As an innocence young child, Why hate if we can love?


Hidup ni tak lama pun. Sejak usai degree tahun lepas, sementara tunggu sesi kemasukan untuk ijazah sarjana ini. Banyak masa aku habis dengan uzlah serta khalwah. Tengok balik kehidupan yang lepas. Masa yang telah aku habiskan, Kekuatan diri yang telah digunakan, Serta dosa-dosa yang mencemarkan diri, Memang tika itu banyak membelek kitab sahih bukhari yang dibeli melalui team Muslim Heroes dulu. Hanya sekadar baca dan cuba hayati kisah-kisah para sahabats dengan Rasulullah saw melalui hadis-hadis itu. Lainnya permikiran dan visi diorang dengan kita ini. Lepas grad, cari kerja, kumpul duit, kahwin dan tunggu mati sambil melihat anak-anak membesar. Mainstream sangat hidup macam tu. Bulan 8 nanti genap usia 25 tahun. Allah kata dalam surah alAhqaf ayat 15, turning point hambaNya pada umur 40 tahun. Serta majoriti umur umat akhir zaman sekitar 60-80 tahun. Hal ini buatkan aku termenung berminggu lamanya. Lebih kurang 15 tahun lagi sebelum berumur 40 dan 25-30 tahun lagi sebelum bera...