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Showing posts from April, 2009
the colour seem to be inversed~don't know why

Wut the tut is going on

As I mentioned in my previous post,the last remnant post that I can play it for a short period.I begin to seek for a solution , as for the result I found that whenver the mechine got hotter the game play got lagging and eventually stuck . I decided to use a help from a third-party software to measure the temperature of my laptop and it really freaking me out, the temperature is about 101 celsius, WoW~ I can barerly cook something on that temp. heres the screen shoot>> Obviously it is bacause I'm using an AMD prosessor , I know AMD produced higher heat that Intel , but seriously din't aspect this. This clip is the comparison of AMD and Intel prosessor. Judge it yourself, some people would prefer AMD because of religious reason , Intel support zionis..that what they said,honestly I don't know the truth behind this fact,Wa'llahhualam~.But for performance I did honestly recommanded Intel's prosessor, why?.It use less energy,lest heat produced, more stable and more...

Sekadar renungan bersama

Hadis Rasulullah yang bermaksud: "Sesiapa yang melakukan satu dosa, maka akan tumbuh pada hatinya setitik hitam, sekiranya dia bertaubat akan terkikislah titik hitam itu daripada hatinya. Jika dia tidak bertaubat maka titik hitam itu akan terus merebak hingga seluruh hatinya menjadi hitam." (Hadis riwayat Ibn Majah)

New layout:new looK

Pergh.. Hampir sebulan aku 'try n error' nak dapatkan satu template yang boleh puaskan hati ni.. Amacam?.. Ok ke Ko.. Peduli apa aku korang tak suke,yang penting aku suke.. HahaHa

Trail no 7


Pesta Buku::Pwtc::part2

Heho~ yesterday i was so lazy to posting a post,sorry..tired lor~ hmm~how to begin..ok I went there with my friend,En.Sabri.And yet our's first time for this kind of even. We're looking forward for the book fair,held at Pwtc after seeing an advert on gempak mag.So,we decided to begun our 'bouken' to Pwtc on saturday,yes yesterday,although none of us actually had been there or know how to get there.Amasingly,we got there without been 'sesat'..haha..lucky for us although it was a gamble routes to take.Baru aku tau Pwtc kat sebelah Pekeliling je. The atmosphere there some how 'melemaskan',here and there..packed with people.Norm la tu,pesta la katakan.So,en.Sabri and I directly went to GempakStarz booth as to redeem some goodies in exchange of coupons..for the first hundred lor..haha,nasib baik kami dapat.But I dislikes the location of the booth,why?..its damn small and at the corner of the hall,lot of fans had been there that make it too crowded and you kno...

The Last Remnant::Square Enix

First!,this game was from SQUAREENIX!!.. i'm a fan!,why ?.because they always produced high quality games,the graphics,story and unique gameplay.I highly recomended you guys to play any games from squareenix and this one too. Ok,back to the topic.There're several points that make me wanna play this game.First, this is the best RPG's based game for Pc and of course published by SquareEnix. A new touch for the battle system,this time they are using a turn-based,command-based system using symbol encounters.It also contains quick time events,sequences where the player must press a combination of button with a correct timing to defeat enemies.I'm quite impresive with the new battle system,although for the first time playing i feel kindda confusing. I'm still in the middle of playing this game and yet not knowing the endding of it,although I can easily google for, basically this game is an advantures of a young boy,named Rust searching for his little sister,Ir...


Konichiwa-mina san~(haha..dah cam tagline someone la pulak) I decided to merge two of my blogs,myblog::not a diary and v~games freaks.Because,i seldomly updating the v~games freaks blog and feel kinnda burden to have three blogs at the same time,but i'll keep the other blog instead. so,here goes..

YaAllah~is it real!!

Today,my dad 'belanja' me a new spectacle.. as usual..hee~ OmG!!..the new 'power' of my eye,or in the other words my myopic indexs has reach 600,for both of them.. WoW!!..amazing tu,i'm not blind but i can't see clearly pity me,but i'm still grateful to the Lord Almighty because He still give me a 'nikmah' of sight..i can still see things right.. Alhamdulillah.. So, you..readers esteem your eye,eat lots of vegy,believe me unleast you wanted to end up just likes me.. we're blind to be?no la..because we read~a lot~mmbeek..

Old vid of mine~drawing tutorial

ak belek2 hard disk..(maklum la ngah boring) then jumpe balik vid nie.. haha.. at that time,I thought I could make some tutorials for drawing.. but I end-up to make just one..tu pn kepala je.. haha..silly me.. so,enjoy mine.. with really bad sketch+tutorial.. sori if it hurt ur eye.. what to say..i'm still a newb

Photoshop tutorial

i call this one apung2 style.. 1-open a new file 2-make a new layer,apply a 'paint bucket tool' with the colour of your choice 3-now apply a gradient overlay on the new layer.blending options > gradient overlay.. 4-type in anything you prefer, in ny case i'll choose my blog title.. 5-make a new layer on top of the text layer and apply a splashy brush preset.. 6-duplicate the 'brush' layer and put it below the text layer 7-then apply a drop shadow from the blending options.. 8-now you'll have something that looks like this..try out

one piece


Haha..saje tunjuk my desktop

Steps to speed up your pc

First of all, i'm bit impress because some of us actually know how to operate their computer and some does it well enough for a newb,in this case the 'os',operating system a.k.a 'window' for newb.But knowing to running them is some of the basic knowledge of computer.Learning this kind of knowledge seem to be crucial as for today most of us own a PC , laptop ,notebook, and even the new generation of portable PC the netbook,well netbook is kinda my favorite because it's so small and light plus it use the atom prossesor's series to operate..kinda cool believe me,for a cheap price and 8" in size it amazing!.Back to the topic, i want to stress that one not only know how to use but also to utilize their computer. Here are some of the steps needed for you to follow to speed up your computer: (~in my case i'm using window vista,the steps is similar for Xp user) 1-Disk defragment -click the start menu button -then 'all programs', 'accessories...

Memo to all students

Memo to all students: In order to assure the highest levels of quality work and productivity from students, it will be our policy to keep all students well taught through our program of Special High Intensity Teaching (S.H.I.T.). We are trying to give our students more S.H.I.T. than anyone else. If you feel that you do not receive your share of S.H.I.T. during a course, please see your teacher. You will be immediately placed at the top of the S.H.I.T. list. Our teachers are especially skilled at seeing that you get all the S.H.I.T. you can handle. Students who do not take the teacher's S.H.I.T. will be placed on the Departmental Educational Evaluation Programs (D.E.E.P. S.H.I.T.) list. Those who fail to take D.E.E.P. S.H.I.T. seriously will have to go to Educational Attitude Training (E.A.T. S.H.I.T.). Since our teachers took S.H.I.T. before they graduated, they don't have to do S.H.I.T. anymore, and are full of S.H.I.T. already. If you are full of S.H.I.T., you may be interest...


Sketch 1

Chibi harry potter~

Err..i'm not really good to draw harry potter~huh