First!,this game was from SQUAREENIX!!.. i'm a fan!,why ?.because they always produced high quality games,the graphics,story and unique gameplay.I highly recomended you guys to play any games from squareenix and this one too. Ok,back to the topic.There're several points that make me wanna play this game.First, this is the best RPG's based game for Pc and of course published by SquareEnix. A new touch for the battle system,this time they are using a turn-based,command-based system using symbol encounters.It also contains quick time events,sequences where the player must press a combination of button with a correct timing to defeat enemies.I'm quite impresive with the new battle system,although for the first time playing i feel kindda confusing. I'm still in the middle of playing this game and yet not knowing the endding of it,although I can easily google for, basically this game is an advantures of a young boy,named Rust searching for his little sister,Ir...