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Hai apakhabar,saya sihat saja ^^

Bismillah dan salam rakan-rakan,sihat na!?..

Sorry for the long absent,being busy with life.Miss me?nah,i don't think u do,whatever la.Nak cerita ,saya dah habis peperiksaan!!,yea,seronok sangat tapi seronok juga study ni sebab stress!,stress is a nikmat you know,the pleasure you feel just after the absent of stress is like WOW kan!!.This semester confident level ada tinggi sikit.Hopping for the best result then,insyaAllah ^_^

Unlike previous semester,this sem i did'nt go anyway for a vacation.Cuma malam sabtu,jalan-jalan pusing KL dengan my friend,just the 2 of us.Rasa macam date pulak,haha.And i'm lost,on the way back to UIA =_=',oh,forgot to mention we went there by bike.I hate jalan kat KL,destinasi depan mata je tapi kena pusing jauh.Tak kisah la tu.

Niat aku untuk cuti sem ni terbantut atas 2 sebab,both my laptop and NDS broken =_=",so,no entertainment or art-work for me.Baru je ingat nak bermanja-manja dengan tablet gebu aku .Sabar je la.Still considering either to buy a new desktop or hantar baiki je laptop tu.Currently guna desktop kat rumah,yang ni pun buat hal baru-baru ni,kena trojan apa entah,semua execution type dia treat as picture,pening kepala koi nak recover.

Owh,Pesta buku hari tu sempat la cekau beberapa naskah buku,banyak booth dah nak tutup,ye la datangpun just after azan maghrib.Aku jumpa satu buku tu,"Learn how to use Facebook",and i'm like,haha,funny gila.Facebook!?,bukan nak perlekeh,tapi knowledge macam tu as it is pisang goreng je,senang dapat ma,pergi CC bodoh-bodoh tanya orang pun sudah boleh belajar kan.To spend bout MYR20,i don't think berbaloi.Itu baru buku local belum yang series for dummies,lagi mahal.Ok,cukup la fasal buku tu,dia berniaga,cari rezeki halal ok la tu.But as a consumer think twice,er,lebih pun tak pe.

Ok la rakan,have a nice day then,insyaAllah.



  1. nnt taaruf week duk mne?? de mintak LIDV dok???

  2. entah la,diorang pun tak brief apa-apa lagi kan..nanti la kita tanya


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