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So i tried to hypnotize myself, googled some vids and stuff. Naah does not seems to work on me subconscious mind agak kuat kot. But tried ruqyah that works.

Doing some reading regarding hypnosis, it seems like it allow us to be in our subconscious mind. Wondering in there i guess. And the methodology pun macam puts us to be focus on one particular thing and try to manipulate our senses. Kot. Psychology students may know this best.

And I did try to relate with some sirah that I learn long before. Astagfirullahal azim, sorry forgotten the story is about which prophet or maybe one of the companion. He's in a battle within the kafir, and got shoot with an arrow. MasyaAllah, by Solah he remove that pains.

And it keep me wondering, maybe by having high level of khusyuk one can actually experience hypnosis?. I mean, our level of focus is so deep one can actually ignoring their surrounding. And shame on us, avoiding to pray in jamaah because of simple disturbances, rasa geli-geli bila rapatkan kaki dengan jemaah sebelah la, bau badan orang sebelah la, jemaah depan pakai baju ada gambar la. Untuk kurang selesa bau badan orang sebelah tu, bawa je la minyak a'tar bagi dia sikit ke or sapu sikit kat hidung sendiri. Kalau terganggu dengan pakaian orang depan, fokus pandangan ke tempat sujud kita, yang rabun buka la spek tu.

It might sound awesome aiyt for surgeon to do the surgery without tranquilizer. He/she just need to say "hey patient, do solah or zikr nak start belah dan ni" lol.

-Try to be khusyuk in our prayer, Ustaz Khusairi pernah pesan kat mrsm dulu latih diri solat berjemaah insyaAllah feeling untuk khusyuk itu datang slow-slow. Apart from understanding the meaning of it.


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