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Khutbah Jumaat: Our purpose in this dunya

As usual khatib remind us to have taqwa,
The central idea of the khutbah is to know our main purpose in life in this dunya with this short period of time indeed. For all means to be a khalifah. Khatib shared the ibrah from sirahtul Adam a.s. Unlike angels, Allah swt gives Adam a.s freedom to choose either to follow His commandment by not eating the forbidden fruit or otherwise. Allah swt gives us the option to choose, we've the freedom to choose what to believe, to choose to try the best to be a believer or to remain ignorant and etc..
Pesan khatib,
To have clear objectives in this life will give us focus.
-Just a glimpse from khutbah tadi, have taqwa kawans. Restate our niah, restate our objectives and goals in this life. Hidup ni sat je, norma usia kita ummat akhir zaman ini tambah tolak dalam 60-80 tahun, lepas grad kebiasaan kita 10-15 tahun habiskan masa kejar keselesaan dan kestabilan ekonomi ada baki dalam 20-30 tahun saja lagi, rugi andai tiada usaha untuk dimanfaatkan untuk redhaNya. Itu belum ambil kira soal jodoh kematian yang bila-bila saja bakal datang tanpa diminta.
p/s: Khutbah perihal fokus hidup usai solat jumaat sambung solat jenazah pula. Sangat tertampar dengan peringatanNya hari ini TT___TT..


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