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Showing posts from May, 2014


Am not sure when my time with this thingy will come, But for the past years seeing bros with their steps in marriage its kinda pity though, Kadang-kadang both parents from both parties ok dah,  Tapi gitu-gini saudara-mara pula yang 'mendes ak', For me it's not bout how hard you struggle to earn some cash for the marriage, But, The struggle itself seems pointless if it's mean to be used for pembaziran, So entah la.. Tak nak kahwin boleh tak U_U "I'm 25 year old, I've own a house a car and a superbike, You? I've own nothing, Except for my family is keep on being a better muslim, That's more than enough for me in this dunya, If i die today at least i've no regret in this senses.." -Pernah ditanya soalan itu, and that's my answer. Orang yang tidak berharta ini cabaran dia pada mata awam lebih sikit rupanya, how to break this mindset in the society eh? Definisi harta mereka sangat fizikal. Kadang-kadang boleh demotivate kot bila fikir isu u...

I just don't know yaRabb

Ini entri luahan perasaan. Beberapa hari lagi peperiksaan akhir untuk sem ke-2 pengajian master ini. Peperiksaan akhir dan proposal research.  I keep on pondering this few weeks. Is this really a path for me to walk with? makin istikharah makin ragu-ragu. Tahniah buat rakan-rakan sepejuangan Lightgear Dev. Team atas anugerah Hackademy just now. Proud of you guys and a big sorry sebab jadi ahli gelap sekarang ini. Will  i be a buddy for you guys or just a 'wall'.. Kadang-kadang rasa diri ini tamak.. Rindu murabbi Rindu, sangat rindu pada murabbi-ku. Rindu arwah atuk, rindu arwah maktok, rindu ustaz Khushairi. I keep revising nasihat-nasihat mereka, ilmu-ilmu dan adab yang mereka ajarkan. To look back into my life, to muhasabah. Rasa diri ini teruk sangat lately.. Allah. Perkahwinan Not sure but since last year ramai ikhwah dan seniors nak tolong carikan calon untuk aku. Serabut la. And actually i kinda semakin annoying dengan perkahwinan ini. What in...

The Media

Honestly i just don't listen to music, Make it a nasyid or black metal, But one day they change me, They happen to be so bising during the prep (but not my class la 1-3 delta is kuburan during that time, love it!) and also at our dorm. So  instead of listening to their noise i pick-up something that i don't understand. Thus, songs from animes that i watched as the lullaby. Up until today still listening to the same song though, i just don't embrace hiburan in this sense. I should be listening to Quran back then, entah-entah dah hafiz dah aku ni U_U, astagfirullahal aziim. Kadang-kadang blur juga kalau ada yang ajak bersembang perihal ini. Oh ya, bola sepak pun aku tidak tonton permainannya. And some might find me boring in this sense. This is the first english song that i happen to heard back then. And why i'm sharing this? oh ya, people tend to take social media way to seriously. Tak percaya? try unfriend one of you...

Khutbah jumaat: Masjid Shas Iium

Khatib begin the khutbah by infusing the issues circled in our ummah today. "Why're we being something that we're not suppose to be.." The same essence with my previous posting. A muslim engineer but he give little benefit to the ummah with his title, so on and so forth. This is actually a fitnah for us, the one who live in this akhirul zaman. And the sadly truth, even Rasulullah saw had predicted this. (based on hadis from Imam Muslim; sorry later on i'll search for that hadis insyaAllah. Or if any of you have the full citation of 'em, if you would like to share that will be nice). One Q that he give for us to ponder upon. "Why? Allah saw give us such fitnah?.." Khatib express the root term of fitnah, ف ت ن ‎ (Fa' ta na) in lugha term of view. It's some test or to be tested/ examination to find out the  purity or impurity in materials . In the religious point of view, fitnah is trials and tribulation to extract a good one with the ...


"Kadang-kadang kita terlupa yang rezeki itu bukan hanya dalam bentuk wang ringgit, Dapat post di Facebook, Dapat kefahaman dalam study, Dapat pasangan yang sama-sama membimbing ke Jannah, Dapat senyuman dari orang lain, Kenapa susah hati senyumlah kan manis tu :) .." Ayuh mendhuha kawans, rezeki dan nikmat paling best yang Allah beri salah satunya rasa cukup dalam hidup ini. Wondering how much times we had/will spend to find money, nak berjuta-juta dalam akaun bank hajatnya untuk kegembiraan hari esok. Rugikan, walhal masa itu boleh diisi dengan pentarbiahan, ilmu dan perkara bermanfaat lain. Bukan kata tak penting berusaha mencari rezeki cumanya bekerjalah atas niat mencari redha Allah, belajar hidup atas keperluan dan tanggungjawab yang lagi besar. Hey masalah umat sekarang yang ada ini bermula dari keluarga.

Khutbah Jumaat: Masjid Shas Iium: Ustaz Ibrahim Nuhu

A short note from the khutbah just now by Ustaz Ibrahim. He begin the khutbah by reminding us to have taqwa as normal.  The main menu for the khutbah is regarding asSolah. The extract ion of solah (prayer) towards a muslim. There're 3 main points been highlighted which are: 0- The story of Nabi saw undergo a 'surgery' to purify of his heart , the ibrah is the important to tazkiya our soul before anything. 1- The story of Nabi saw upon receiving the gift from Allah yakni the revelation of the number of asSolah, he meet Nabi Musa a.s along the way. Nabi Musa a.s based on his experiences with the most Zalim person on earth, the Pharaoh and the most arrogant tribe ever exist the Jews, advises the prophet saw to ask Allah to reduce the number of prayer from 50 to at the end 5, due to his worried the we cannot fulfill it. Lesson shared by Ustaz, both of the prophet were correct. Nabi Musa a.s with his worry of us to see the 5 daily prayer as a burden and the faith in prophet M...


Dalam riwayat Imam Muslim perawi (Abdullah bin ‘Amar) r.a. berkata: “Sesungguhnya ada seorang bertanya Nabi s.a.w. katanya: "Siapakah dia muslim yang terbaik?" Berkata Rasulullah saw: "Yaitu seorang muslim yang membuat orang-orang muslim atau yang lain selamat dari gangguan kejahatan lisan dan tangannya.." (HR: Muslim) Moga kita menjadi pemimpin yang terbaik buat diri dan orang yang dipimpin, Moga kita menjadi suami/isteri yang terbaik untuk (bakal)pasangan, Moga kita menjadi murabbi terbaik buat amanah didikan, Dan moga kita menjadi hamba dikalangan yang terbaik bila menghadap Allah swt kelak.. Nakkan yang terbaik dalam hidup tapi tidak memberikan yang terbaik, awak hanya berangan kosong saja tu.. ------------ 'Am i being the best out of me? Rasa macam tidak, since graduate tahun lepas satu-satu ujian berat Allah beri tapi satu-satu juga ujian berat yang dulu Allah permudahkan. Alhamdulillah ala kulli hal. Dulu hajadnya lepas grad nak...

Erti kehidupan

Semalam di beri amanah untuk berucap dalam sesi 'sharing moment' ukhwah night dan solat hajad persatuan tika degree. Bila dah jadi almuni ni macam itu lah, Memberi balik pada generasi pelapis, ﻋﻦ أِﻣْﻴِﺮ اﻟُﻤْﺆِﻣِﻨْﻴَﻦ أِﺑْﻲ َﺡْﻔٍﺺ ُﻋَﻤَﺮ ْﺑِﻦ اﻟَﺨﱠﻄﺎب َرِﺿَﻲ اُﷲ َﻋْﻨُﻪ َﻗﺎَل  : َﺳِﻤْﻌُﺖ َرُﺳﻮَل اِﷲ ﺻﻠﻰ اﷲ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ وﺳﻠﻢ َیُﻘﻮُل  )) : ِإﱠﻧَﻤﺎ اَﻷْﻋَﻤﺎُل ِﺑﺎﻟﱢﻨﱠﻴﺎِت َوِإﱠﻧَﻤﺎ ِﻟُﻜﻞﱢ اْﻣِﺮٍئ َﻣﺎ َﻧَﻮى َﻓَﻤْﻦ َآﺎَﻧْﺖ هِـْﺠَﺮُﺗُﻪ ِإﻟَﻰ اِﷲ َوَر ُﺳﻮِﻟِﻪ َﻓِﻬْﺠَﺮُﺗُﻪ إﻟﻰ اِﷲ وَرُﺳﻮِﻟِﻪ َوَﻣْﻦ َآﺎَﻧْﺖ  ِهْﺠَﺮُﺗُﻪ ِﻟُﺪْﻧَﻴﺎ ُیِﺼْﻴُﺒَﻬﺎ َأِو اْﻣَﺮَأٍة َیْﻨِﻜُﺤَﻬﺎ َﻓِﻬْﺠَﺮُﺗُﻪ ِإَﻟﻰ َﻣﺎ َهﺎَﺟَﺮ ِإَﻟْﻴِﻪ  . (( رواﻩ إﻣﺎﻣﺎ اﻟﺤﺪﺛﻴﻦ أﺑﻮ ﻋﺒﺪ اﷲ ﻣﺤﻤﺪ ﺑﻦ إﺳﻤﺎﻋﻴﻞ ﺑﻦ إﺑﺮاهﻴﻢ ﺑﻦ اﻟﻤﻐﻴﺮة ﺑﻦ ﺑﺮدزیﺔ اﻟﺒﺨﺎري، وأﺑﻮ  اﻟﺤﺴﻴﻦ ﻣﺴﻠﻢ ﺑﻦ اﻟﺤﺠﺎج ﺑﻦ ﻣﺴﻠﻢ اﻟﻘﺸﻴﺮي اﻟﻨﻴﺴﺎﺑﻮري ﻓﻲ ﺻﺤﻴﺤﻴﻬﻤﺎ  اﻟﻠﺬیﻦ ﻣﻦ أﺻﺢ اﻟﻜﺘﺐ اﻟﻤﺼﻨﻔﺔ. Daripada Amirul Mukminin Abu Hafsin 'Umar ibn al-Katthab r.a. beliau berkata: Aku mendengar Rasulullah SAW bersabda: Bahawa sesungguhnya setiap amalan itu bergantung ke...